Book Monster

Monday, January 23, 2006

Diary: Jan 23, 2006

I've read at least 6 books after my last entry.... I was just stupid enough to pack up the books before wirting my comments on them... oh well... I will get back to that.

I just had a very memorable Weekend. Some friends and I dined out at a very nice restaurant by Still Creek....@9:00pm..... Kinda late, but the food is just so good!! But, the best is yet to come. One of the friend stayed at my place and we played Scrabble with my roommate until 4AM!! We did manage to use all the tiles TWICE!!! Never happened before! ( We are really not that good!) And ended up chatting til 9:30am. Didn't catch much sleep, but hey, that's a GREAT weekend!!

Cheers Everyone! Happy Lunar New Year!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

This is a facinating classical novel. I really love this story, compare to War and Peace (which I am still stuck at Bk. 2 of Vol. II)
Anna is so much like me, always pessimistic. It is absolutely scary!!! Her bravey in pursuring her love is something I can never compare.... The courage in her is just unbelievable considering the century she lived in.
It really is a tragic that she ended up taking her live just to make her lover remember her....... What a shame.

Do read this book!! I enjoy this as much as I enjoyed Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.... Brilliant Novels!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Pandora by Anne Rice

I have bought this book quite a while ago..... Haven't had the chance, or mood to read it.
Once I started, I couldn't let go. I dosed off a few times when I was reading right before bed time.... hehe...

This is a very good add on to the Interview with Vampire Chronicles. Through Pandora, Anne Rice descrpited the evil of the Queen and elaborated on the viewpoint towards Christianity. The love and hate between Pandora and Marcius, to me, reflected the relationship between logic and emotion. How could you tell which is more important?

I would recommend everyone to read through the entire Chronicles..... it is too good to miss!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Oh well, where should I start?? This is a great Mystery Novel! Although the author stated 2 "facts" on the first page of the novel, it doesn't change my opinion that this is but a fiction. He should consider giving references to the "facts".

The details and logical explanation to the clues and acient practices captured my imagination. I cannot put the book down. I would recommend this book to anyone who is logical enough to realize that this mystery novel is just a FICTION!!

Heard Dan Brown's other books are equally good.... ..... >_~

Catherine de Medici by Leonie Frieda

Catherine de Medici is probably the most well known Queen of France in the Valois Dynasty. Similar to Marie Antonette, Catherine de Medici is known not for the suffering France caused her, but the supposed civil wars and trouble she brought to France. Born a Merchant's daughter, she was often looked down at by the court. She endured the court's insult, her husband's mistress meddling in caring for her children, and showed no favorites between the two powerful house in the court. She lived to be consort to 3 of her sons as King of France. Successfully protecting the country for her unappreciative sons.

She is also known as the mother in law to Henry of Navarre, the first Bourbon King of France; and Mary Queen of Scott.

This book is very lengthy and gives much information on the "current" political situations. I most appreciate the author's translation of the various passage in French.

A great book that shine a new light on the Queen character.

Friday, September 30, 2005

The Real Queen of France : Athenais & Louis XIV by Lisa Hilton

It seems that I always read history backwards. I started with Louis XVI, this is Louis XIV and the one I am reading now is Louis XIV's ancestor..........OH Well!!

The book is swarm with details, but amazingly half of the book is not about Anthenais. It could be about our SUN KING, her rivals, or some royalties. Since this is her first book and I am interested mainly in the historical background, this is a good book that fit my purpose. It gives the readers a very vivd picture of the political, cultrual, and psychological trend in the court of Seventeenth Century France.

I would recommend this book to those who didn't want to know just about Athenais. You can probably find a better biography, but history-wise... go for it! Also, if you don't know French, better take out a dictatory from the local library. Cuz most of the quotes in French were not translated!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Good Husband by Gail Godwin

I cannot believe this book. 460 pages long, but it took me 2 1/2 weeks to finish......... So many times I just want to throw it away. The only thing that kept me from doing it was the hope that it will have a great ending. Sigh! Up until the last page, I don't have a clue as to the theme of the book. It got nothing to do with the "Good Husband" in the story!!!

For those who haven't read this book: AVOID IT AT ALL COST!
For those who read this book: Care to shred some light?

Monday, August 15, 2005


Currently on a break from intellectual books. Reading of the day...... Romance Novels!! He he!!